<20 15×15/20×20 | 2023
For the 10th anniversary edition 17 artists have been invited: Paolo AMICO, Jean-Marc AMIGUES, Matthias BRANDES, Massimo CACCIA, Vanni CUOGHI, Pino DEODATO, Valentina DIENA, Claudio FILIPPINI, Luca GASTALDO, Claudia GIRAUDO, Andrea GNOCCHI, Jill HÖJEBERG, L’orMa, Matteo MASSAGRANDE, Sabrina MILAZZO, Tom PORTA, Tomàs SUNYOL.
Some of whom have already been hosted by PUNTO SULL’ARTE: others on the other hand, such as Paolo Amico, Valentina Diena and L’orMa, are presented for the first time. Even Vanni Cuoghi and the sculptor Jill Höjeberg, previous exhibitors in the gallery, had never tried the small format before. Furthermore, for the occasion, in addition to the official exposition in the gallery’s historic location in viale Sant’Antonio in Casbeno, there will be an appendix in its second location in via San Martino della Battaglia 6 in Varese with a selection of works from previous editions on display.
It is an uninterrupted line of ideas, colours and moods that crosses the rooms at PUNTO SULL’ARTE Gallery, a powerful and pointed gesture that allows the viewer to discover seventeen different worlds, domes of dreams like profound reflections on today, utopias and excavations into the most hidden self. The exhibition <20 15×15/20×20 has been running for ten years now, and since 2014 has seen the alternation of many artists of different nationalities, not at all afraid to try their hand at the small format, but rather proactive and curious about the result, an outcome of great quality and a strong expressive imprint. Sofia Macchi and her staff never set limits on creativity: no constraints on subject or even on technique, maximum freedom, the involved painters and sculptors probably the first to be surprised by these works that, even in a few centimetres, manage to make us think and create ideas for a debate on art that always seeks new paths and highlights the lights and shadows of modernity.
Among the themes addressed by the artists in this collective, there is that of the urban landscape, investigated in-depth by the ballpoint pen of the Sicilian PAOLO AMICO, with his nocturnal scenes cloaked in dazzling colours, by JEAN-MARC AMIGUES, with glimpses that unite reality and the imaginary, and by ANDREA GNOCCHI, who has this time taken on the depiction of modern domestic interiors, refined lofts with 70s décor.
Published on 24/06/2023
Tag: Andrea Gnocchi, CLAUDIA GIRAUDO, CLAUDIO FILIPPINI, Jean-Marc Amigues, Jill Höjeberg, l'orma, Luca gastaldo, MASSIMO CACCIA, MATTEO MASSAGRANDE, MATTHIAS BRANDES, Paolo amico, Pino Deodato, Sabrina Milazzo, Tom Porta, TOMÁS MARTÌNEZ SUÑOL, valentina diena, vanni cuoghi