BAF 2024


PUNTO SULL’ARTE participates in the Italian Art Fair BAF 2024 from January 12 to 14, 2024. Bergamo becomes the meeting point for the world of Modern and Contemporary Art and of Italian Fine art . IFA, Italian Fine Art, the exclusive event dedicated to the excellence of Italian antique galleries.  BAF, Bergamo Arte Fiera, an Art Fair dedicated to modern and contemporary… Read more

VIRTUAL TOUR | 1st Floor 11.2023


Schermata 2023-11-17 alle 15.24.05
3D TOUR | Upper floor Visiting PUNTO SULL’ARTE Art Gallery has never been so easy. Take a 3D tour of the entire Gallery with just a click. You can now visit at the ground floor of the Gallery and discover a selection of artworks by some of the most representative artists at the upper floor. ARTLAND:… Read more

VIRTUAL TOUR | 1st Floor 09.2023


3D TOUR | Upper floor Visiting PUNTO SULL’ARTE Art Gallery has never been so easy. Take a 3D tour of the entire Gallery with just a click. You can now visit at the ground floor of the Gallery and discover a selection of artworks by some of the most representative artists at the upper floor. ARTLAND:… Read more

VareseNoi | <20 15×15/20×20 | 2023


Sunyol Tomàs, La Llum de Varese, 2023, olio su tela, 20x20 cm
“PUNTO SULL’ARTE” – It is really happening in Varese: 17 artists with more than 60 works on display for an exhibition of visions, discoveries and lights suspended between imagination and reality The exhibition <20 15×15/20×20 has been running for ten years now, and since 2014 has seen the alternation of many artists of different nationalities, not at all afraid to try their… Read more

Artevarese | <20 15×15/20×20 | 2023


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Varese: the small format review is back Varese – Art lovers be ready because the long-awaited exhibition <20 15×15/20×20 is coming from Thursday. The appointment, organized by the PUNTO SULL’ARTE art gallery, has reached its tenth edition, confirming itself as one of the most awaited by the public and by fans of the small format. The Vernissage is scheduled from 5 to… Read more

Oltre | VA: 4 sguardi sulla città


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A choral song interprets Varese You can get to know Varese walking through its streets and under the arcades appreciated by Stendhal, walking through the parks going up to the Sacro Monte along the lake. Or you can love it through the eyes of the four artists protagonists of the collective of PUNTO SULL’ARTE, for years a reference gallery for Italian and… Read more



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VA: 4 GLIMPSES OF THE CITY | Amigues, Cestari, Mezynska and Sunyol interpret Varese The new exhibition at PUNTO SULL’ARTE is a tribute to Varese. Four Artists with very different languages ​​have been called to tell the story of the city: Jean-Marc Amigues, Daniele Cestari, Marta Mezynska and Tomàs Sunyol. The streets of the historic city centre – Corso Matteotti, Piazza Piazza… Read more

VareseNews | VA: 4 sguardi sulla città


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Varese reinterpreted by four artists: the new exhibition at Galleria Punto sull’Arte The opening reception on Saturday 11 February was also attended by the mayor of Varese Davide Galimberti together with the curator of the exhibition Alessandra Redaelli, the owner of the Gallery Sofia Macchi and the artists exhibiting. Have you ever thought about how Varese can be seen by a foreign… Read more

La Prealpina | VA: 4 sguardi sulla città


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Varese shows off its most seductive views Article by Andra Giacometti Art initiatives start again in Varese. Exhibitions of appeal that constitute the pulse of the city, of its ability to invent creative appointments, of its desire to attract insiders and curious, of its dynamism on the cultural front. You can see a red thread that connects exhibitions, events, private galleries, public… Read more

ArteVarese | VA: 4 sguardi sulla città


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Varese, “4 glimpses of the city” At the Punto sull’Arte gallery at the opening the collective exhibition that investigates unpublished realities Varese – With “4 glimpes of the city” the exhibition calendar continues at the Punto sull’Arte gallery. The new exhibition opens on Saturday (11 February) from 17 to 20 at the headquarters in Viale Sant’Antonio. It is a tribute to the… Read more

VIRTUAL TOUR <20 15×15/20×20 | 2022


17 artists have been invited this year to accept the challenge of the small formats, Italian and foreign painters and sculptors with different artistic paths. As in the past edition, core element of the exhibition will be the size of the works, 15×15 cm and 20×20 cm: new artworks created by the artists for this specific project. Everyone will express himself with… Read more



GIRAUDO CLAUDIA; Bimba aviatore con gallo, 2018, olio su tela, 60 x 50 cm
Punto sull’Arte, due mostre on line tra libertà e spazi chiusi. di Mario Chiodetti VARESE – Due mostre online per far sentire la voce dell’arte al tempo del coronavirus. Un messaggio importante e deciso quello che Sofia Macchi e il suo staff hanno lanciato, invitando gli appassionati a non perdere l’abitudine di partecipare a un’esposizione, anche se soltanto da casa. La Galleria… Read more

Magna Carta


MAGNA CARTA, is a group show entirely dedicated to works of art on plain paper. The exhibition represents the inaugural event of the 2017/2018 season to be held at the Galleria PUNTO SULL’ARTE in Varese – Casbeno. Eleven artists, painters and sculptors, Italian and foreign, will exhibit their works on paper. Paper is a delicate but simple and intriguing material which enables… Read more

WSI-mag | Magna Carta


Magna Carta, mostra allestita, PUNTO SULL'ARTE
Magna Carta, is a group show entirely dedicated to works of art on plain paper. The exhibition represents the inaugural event of the 2017/2018 season to be held at the Galleria Punto Sull’Arte in Varese – Casbeno. Eleven artists, painters and sculptors, Italian and foreign, will exhibit their works on paper. Paper is a delicate but simple and intriguing material which enables… Read more



Magna Carta, mostra allestita, PUNTO SULL'ARTE
Undici artisti italiani e stranieri, pittori e scultori, per la mostra “Magna Carta” in atto dal 9 al 30 settembre 2017 alla Galleria Punto sull’Arte, con l’esposizione di opere realizzate su supporto cartaceo. Saranno esposte opere realizzate con colori acrilici, olio, smalti ma anche con biro colorate e acquerelli, ma non mancheranno incisioni e lavori in cartapesta. I soggetti saranno paesaggi, animali… Read more

5 Years | Classico Contemporaneo


The PUNTO SULL’ARTE gallery is five years old. And it celebrates them Saturday, November 19, from 6 to 9 pm, inaugurating exactly five years after its first show – it was November 19, 2011 – an exhibition that tells its story. Not just a collective gathering of the artists who grew up together with the gallery in this period and which the… Read more

BAF Bergamo Arte Fiera 2015


From Saturday 28th to Monday 30th November, the exhibition centre of Bergamo hosts the 12th edition of Bergamo Art Fair (BAF), an art fair where modern and contemporary art are the protagonists. The brilliant and refined market-show signed by Promoberg, under the artistic direction of Sergio Radici, occupies steadily with merit a prominent position among the artistic events in Italy and is… Read more



PUNTO SULL’ARTE: UN PERCORSO DI EMOZIONI. Un grande debutto stagionale per la galleria varesina di Sofia Macchi: prima la tripla personale “Materico”, poi quella duplice dedicata ai gemelli De Lucchi. Eccezionale inizio di stagione per PUNTO SULL’ARTE, la galleria nata nel 2011 da un’idea di Sofia Macchi e ospitata nelle sale di un elegante palazzo Liberty a due passi dal centro di… Read more



Material is the focus of the triple solo show which, on Saturday 3 October, is going to open the new season of the Punto sull’Arte Gallery. The dense, scratched and dripping painting substance of the urban views by DANIELE CESTARI, the thick colour used by TOMÀS MARTÍNEZ SUÑOL to recall his own roots, and the rough and spare terracotta which actualizes the… Read more

Lombardia Oggi | Materico


La materia e le sue ferite in una tripla personale. E’ la materia al centro della tripla personale alla galleria PUNTO SULL’ARTE, curata da Alessandra Redaelli che firma anche il catalogo da cui traiamo le riflessioni di questo articolo. La materia pittorica densa, graffiata e gocciolante nelle vedute urbane di Daniele Cestari (foto grande), il colore pastoso attraverso cui Tomàs Martìnez Suñol… Read more

ARTE | Materico


Paesaggi interiori da tre punti di vista. Varese. Dal 4 ottobre al 14 novembre la galleria PUNTO SULL’ARTE ospita MATERICO, collettiva di Daniele Cestari (1983), Dolores Previtali (1949) e Tomàs Martìnez Suñol (1964). Si tratta di artisti diversi per tecniche e stile, ma accomunati dalla capacità di descrivere paesaggi interiori…[leggi il pdf]… Read more

<20 15×15/20×20 | COLLEZIONE PUNTO SULL’ARTE 2014


They have received from our gallery square format canvases -15×15 / 20×20 cm – on which they could freely express themselves without themes and without technical constraints. The Artists had to prove themselves on such a small format, apparently with little complexity, but that in some cases has created several challenges considering that not all of them has the habit of working… Read more

Lucenergia | Luca Gastaldo | Maria Teresa Gonzalez Ramirez | Tomàs Martínez Suñol


Light has always represented divine, spiritual, incorporeal. Constantly in contrast to shadow, aimed at giving volume to matter. Above all expression of the original Energy. A subject which has always fascinated artists, from the Byzantine, to Impressionist passing for Caravaggio. It is perfectly described by the works by Maria Teresa Gonzalez Ramirez (a Mexican sculptress who lives and works in Varese), Tomàs… Read more