Sussurri | Ilaria Del Monte | Jill Höjeberg | Tina Sgrò
Dealing with women’s art inevitably produces a stalemate within the discussion. The definition itself carries a series of traps among which the most relevant one is that nobody would ever talk about men’s art. Nonetheless women’s art is a plant which should be both studied and cultivated. The belief that men and women artists work in equality is a huge mistake. Women artists are still black swans, like Artemisia Gentileschi, Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt were. Flipping through the last catalogue of Artefiera in Bologna –just to name one- it can be found that women artists represent a very low percentage (and we can all agree that Artefiera represents a good sample of Italian galleries). This is not the proper place to discuss the issue, however this fact demonstrates that talking about women’s art is anything but obvious, on the contrary – I dare to say – it is a duty.
Published on 09/06/2015
Tag: ILARIA DEL MONTE, Jill Höjeberg, Pittura, SCULTURA, Tina Sgrò