5 Years | Classico Contemporaneo


The PUNTO SULL’ARTE gallery is five years old. And it celebrates them Saturday, November 19, from 6 to 9 pm, inaugurating exactly five years after its first show – it was November 19, 2011 – an exhibition that tells its story. Not just a collective gathering of the artists who grew up together with the gallery in this period and which the… Read more

<20 15×15/20×20 | 2016


The happy formula of the review “< 20 15×15 / 20×20 | PUNTO SULL’ARTE Collection” has come this year to the Third Edition and sees 14 Artists collected with multiple national and international experiences. The inauguration of the exhibition will be held on Thursday 9 June from 6 to 9 pm at the PUNTO SULL’ARTE Gallery in Varese. The artists received from… Read more

Sussurri | Ilaria Del Monte | Jill Höjeberg | Tina Sgrò


Dealing with women’s art inevitably produces a stalemate within the discussion. The definition itself carries a series of traps among which the most relevant one is that nobody would ever talk about men’s art. Nonetheless women’s art is a plant which should be both studied and cultivated. The belief that men and women artists work in equality is a huge mistake. Women… Read more