You're in: MEDIA | Caos e Bellezza | Mario Branca | Matthias Brandes | Arcangelo Ciaurro

Caos e Bellezza | Mario Branca | Matthias Brandes | Arcangelo Ciaurro

According to Greek mythology, Chaos was a primordial entity, a huge and undefined nothing, an abyss. A void from which all divinities were born to give life to the world. Only through Plato, Chaos began to be intended as a messy mixture, the “refuge of original unformed matter” from which – thanks to a ruling principle – the world (cosmos) was created as an ordered reality. The conflict between order and chaos is a fundamental part of human nature and it guides his analysis of reality. As a matter of fact, most mythologies consider this dichotomy as the original reason. Whereas, beauty within chaos belongs specifically to art. […]

Published on 25/11/2013

Tag: Arcangelo Ciaurro, Mario Branca, MATTHIAS BRANDES