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InsiderDIARY | Matteo Massagrande

Excellent Painters Award – Brazzale 2021: Matteo Massagrande wins with Bevadoro

Article by Alice Realini

The most beautiful painting of 2021 is “Bevadoro” by Matteo Massagrande. To decree it is the jury of the Excellent Painters Award – Brazzale, now in its eighth edition. The work of the Paduan master was chosen from a shortlist of twelve paintings. The paintings, all made in the last twelve months, were published by the site Excellent Painters and then selected as the most representative of the recent Italian pictorial production. The winner’s canvas, “Bevadoro”, represents the interior of a villa located in the Venetian town from which it takes its name, transfigured by the poetic gaze of the artist and eternalized thanks to a complex and difficult, almost alchemical technique, which the long caption only allows a glimpse: “Tempera, oily resins, acrylic and powdered pigments on board”.


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Published on 15/01/2022