VIRTUAL TOUR | 1st Floor 11.2023


Schermata 2023-11-17 alle 15.24.05
3D TOUR | Upper floor Visiting PUNTO SULL’ARTE Art Gallery has never been so easy. Take a 3D tour of the entire Gallery with just a click. You can now visit at the ground floor of the Gallery and discover a selection of artworks by some of the most representative artists at the upper floor. ARTLAND:… Read more

VIRTUAL TOUR | 1st Floor 09.2023


3D TOUR | Upper floor Visiting PUNTO SULL’ARTE Art Gallery has never been so easy. Take a 3D tour of the entire Gallery with just a click. You can now visit at the ground floor of the Gallery and discover a selection of artworks by some of the most representative artists at the upper floor. ARTLAND:… Read more

Art Stays 2023


PUNTO SULL’ARTE is pleased to announce that Artists Brian Keith Stephens, Jernej Forbici, Marika Vicari and Igor Molin will participate in the 21st edition of ART STAYS, the renowned international contemporary art festival, that will be held in Ptuj, Slovenia, from July 6 to September 10, 2023. Completing the rich program of the Festival, several collateral events are organized; among these,“Postcards” will… Read more

Exibart | Alice Zanin


PUNTOSULLARTE_allestita zanin e stephens_6289
“Submarines & periscopes”: Alice Zanin in mostra a Punto sull’Arte Articolo di Silvia Bonomini Dragoni marini e lumache di mare dialogano con hippocampus, pesci chirurghi e razze maculate, in una sorta di racconto in bilico tra reale e simbolico. Se non fosse perché sono il frutto di una manualità grazie a cui sono stati realizzati animali marini, si potrebbe dire che le… Read more



PUNTO SULL’ARTE is glad to announce that the Artists VALERIA VACCARO, ALEX PINNA and ALICE ZANIN have been selected for ART STAYS, the prestigious International Festival of Contemporary Art that will take place in Ptuj, Slovenia, from July 7 to September 18, 2022. ART STAYS is one the most important multidisciplinary Festival dedicated to visual art in Slovenia and a well-established European… Read more

VIRTUAL TOUR <20 15×15/20×20 | 2022


17 artists have been invited this year to accept the challenge of the small formats, Italian and foreign painters and sculptors with different artistic paths. As in the past edition, core element of the exhibition will be the size of the works, 15×15 cm and 20×20 cm: new artworks created by the artists for this specific project. Everyone will express himself with… Read more

Magna Carta


MAGNA CARTA, is a group show entirely dedicated to works of art on plain paper. The exhibition represents the inaugural event of the 2017/2018 season to be held at the Galleria PUNTO SULL’ARTE in Varese – Casbeno. Eleven artists, painters and sculptors, Italian and foreign, will exhibit their works on paper. Paper is a delicate but simple and intriguing material which enables… Read more

WSI-mag | Magna Carta


Magna Carta, mostra allestita, PUNTO SULL'ARTE
Magna Carta, is a group show entirely dedicated to works of art on plain paper. The exhibition represents the inaugural event of the 2017/2018 season to be held at the Galleria Punto Sull’Arte in Varese – Casbeno. Eleven artists, painters and sculptors, Italian and foreign, will exhibit their works on paper. Paper is a delicate but simple and intriguing material which enables… Read more



Magna Carta, mostra allestita, PUNTO SULL'ARTE
Undici artisti italiani e stranieri, pittori e scultori, per la mostra “Magna Carta” in atto dal 9 al 30 settembre 2017 alla Galleria Punto sull’Arte, con l’esposizione di opere realizzate su supporto cartaceo. Saranno esposte opere realizzate con colori acrilici, olio, smalti ma anche con biro colorate e acquerelli, ma non mancheranno incisioni e lavori in cartapesta. I soggetti saranno paesaggi, animali… Read more

5 Years | Classico Contemporaneo


The PUNTO SULL’ARTE gallery is five years old. And it celebrates them Saturday, November 19, from 6 to 9 pm, inaugurating exactly five years after its first show – it was November 19, 2011 – an exhibition that tells its story. Not just a collective gathering of the artists who grew up together with the gallery in this period and which the… Read more



Gli animali di Caccia e Zanin al PUNTO SULL’ARTE. Uno zoo colorato in galleria. A due anni esatti dall’ultima mostra insieme a Varese, Massimo Caccia e Alice Zanin sono di nuovo protagonisti alla galleria PUNTO SULL’ARTE di Sofia Macchi. Nata in parallelo con un’altra doppia personale – a Biella, a Palazzo Ferrero – questa mostra è dedicata al nostro rapporto con gli… Read more

Torinosette | Selvatica


Dal 21 maggio al 3 luglio 2016, parte a Biella la quinta edizione del festival “Selvatica”, dedicato al rapporto tra arte e natura, con la curatela di Alessandra Redaelli per la parte artistica e di Fabrizio Lavaper quella fotografica. Da segnalare a Palazzo Gromo Losa, la mostra “I sussurri del bosco”, con grandi pannelli a grafite su legno di Marika Vicari e… Read more



Born along with a contemporary combined exhibition by the two artists – held in Biella, at Palazzo Ferrero – this project refers to our relationship to animals. These paintings are not so different to those of human beings since they represent our fears, anxieties and phobias. This comes out well in the works of the two artists even if portrayed in different… Read more



Nature blends in itself science and mystery, many are the declinations that belong to it: sight to behold, phenomenon to be studied, patrimony to defend, resource for the man or limit for him. In any case nature, the undisputed star of SELVATICA Natura in Festival, reveals itself as the most creative and talented artist, a source of inspiration and subject of many… Read more



A due anni esatti dall’ultima mostra insieme a Varese, Massimo Caccia e Alice Zanin sono di nuovo protagonisti alla galleria Punto sull’Arte di Varese di una doppia mostra personale dedicata agli animali. Guarda video… Read more



The installation “The Great Hippocampus Question” ALICE Zanin will be exhibited at the PALAZZO DELLA PERMANENTE in Milan from 17th May 2016 to 5th June 2016. ALICE ZANIN plays with the changing shapes of nature and fantasy, she sculpts imaginary pseudo-scientific entities, shaping paper sculptures inspired by the suggestions of her reading of scientific articles, treatises on biology, literature, mythology, and publications… Read more



Il bestiario bizzarro di Alice Zanin e Massimo Caccia. Alice Zanin (Piacenza, 1987) modella un bestiario bizzarro e malinconico. Crea leoni, fenicotteri e cavalli in filo di ferro, con inserti di pelo, piume e cartapesta ricavata da fogli di giornale, e li allestisce accanto a oggetti del passato. Il leone è disteso su un cerchio di fuoco, un cavallo è sospeso accanto… Read more



Lo zoo d’incanto di Massimo Caccia e Alice Zanin. I due artisti, di nuovo insieme nelle sale della Galleria “PUNTO SULL’ARTE” di Varese, si confrontano sul tema del rapporto con gli animali, specchio delle nostre paure, ansie e idiosincrasie. Giraffe e zebre, pesce e gorilla, uccelli ed elefanti: un magico zoo di forme e di colori, vivido e surreale, che nelle due… Read more



Alice zanin
Alice Zanin nasce nel 1987 a Piacenza. Autodidatta di formazione, sperimenta diversi mezzi espressivi fra cui anche la pittura, fino a scegliere di concentrarsi pressoché esclusivamente sulla tecnica della cartapesta a partire dagli inizi del 2012. Raggiunge nel tempo risultati minuziosi e raffinati eliminando le parti testuali dei quotidiani – caratteristici della prima parte della sua produzione – dalle coperture dei pezzi,… Read more

Respect | Garel | Cuoghi | Buratti | Caccia | Zanin


Being at the beginning of the third millennium, we should reconsider our relationship with animals. An opportunity could be the discovery (even if the collection exists and has been open to public for 4 years, it still seems like the finding of an artifact) of a legacy of stuffed animals. The first sensation felt in front of this kind of objects –… Read more