Santiago, 1982

  • CV

Each of Federico Infante artworks goes through an intuitive painting process. He starts with the methodical, expressive act of covering the canvas with several layers of painting, scratching it and repeating this process many times, trying to express his unconscious mind, the part of him that has not been processed by logic. Then, Federico starts visualizing situations, landscapes or spots of light into the canvas, looking for a suggestive and fertile atmosphere that gives life to what he believes to be the figurative element of the painting: a person standing alone, a piece of architecture coming out of the dark, an open sky.

He was born in 1982 in Santiago (Chile). He studied at Finis Terrae University in Santiago and later in New York, where he graduated in the spring of 2013 with a MFA in Illustration at the School of Visual Arts in New York. His studies in the United States were possible not only for the painter’s strong talent, but also for the awards that, over the years, he has won and that have allowed him to continue his studies abroad; he received the Juan Downey grant (2004), the Conicyt scholarship (2009) and the Uanlane Foundation scholarship (2012). After his first successful solo and group exhibitions in Chile, 2014 marked the official debut for the Chilean painter in the United States, with his first solo show in New York: “The Space Between”, at the prestigious Bertrand Delacroix Art Gallery in Chelsea (NYC). He immediately stood out in the US art market, thus becoming a recognized painter in the Contemporary Artistic world. Infante’s success in the US has been rapid and in 2015 he made his debut in the Italian art market with PUNTO SULL’ARTE Art Gallery.  In the same year, he illustrated the Edition of “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov published by The Folio Society. Soon he took part in art fairs in Italy and in 2016 he made his first solo show in Italy entitled “We can see the wind” at PUNTO SULL’ARTE art Gallery. The show was acclaimed by art critics and it marked the beginning of a strong collaboration with PUNTO SULL’ARTE. Over the years he has had several successful solo and group exhibitions in the US, in Chile and Italy. His work has been adopted into private collections across the US, Chile, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and more. He lives and works in Richmond (Virginia – USA).