<20 15×15/20×20 | COLLEZIONE PUNTO SULL’ARTE 2014


They have received from our gallery square format canvases -15×15 / 20×20 cm – on which they could freely express themselves without themes and without technical constraints. The Artists had to prove themselves on such a small format, apparently with little complexity, but that in some cases has created several challenges considering that not all of them has the habit of working… Read more

InCorpore(o) | Davide Balossi | Paul Kaminski | Alberto Magnani


A triple solo exhibition which can be read as a long trip around mankind. Three different artists with distinct languages and personalities -apparently antithetical- become the three telling voices of the same fascinating story. Since man is definitely a tridimensional figure, it is flesh and bones. However, there is more. He is also formed by the volatile and fleeting products of his… Read more