5 Years | Classico Contemporaneo


The PUNTO SULL’ARTE gallery is five years old. And it celebrates them Saturday, November 19, from 6 to 9 pm, inaugurating exactly five years after its first show – it was November 19, 2011 – an exhibition that tells its story. Not just a collective gathering of the artists who grew up together with the gallery in this period and which the… Read more

Nutrimentum | Verona


Installazione di Arcangelo Ciaurro presso il Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona in occasione della mostra Nutrimentum - L'arte alimenta l'uomo
On the occasion of the exhibition “Nutrimentum – L’arte alimenta l’uomo” some works by Nicola Biondani, Arcangelo Ciaurro and Maria Teresa Gonzalez Ramirez will be on show at the Natural History Museum of Verona. “Nutrimentum – L’arte alimenta l’uomo” is an exhibition curated by Elisabetta Pozzetti that will take place at three important museums in the city of Verona – the Natural… Read more

<20 15×15/20×20 | COLLEZIONE PUNTO SULL’ARTE 2014


They have received from our gallery square format canvases -15×15 / 20×20 cm – on which they could freely express themselves without themes and without technical constraints. The Artists had to prove themselves on such a small format, apparently with little complexity, but that in some cases has created several challenges considering that not all of them has the habit of working… Read more

BAF Bergamo Arte Fiera 2013


BAF is a brilliant, refined and elegant festival that occupies an important position between the artistic events in Italy. The Contemporary Art Fair of Bergamo reaches its 9th edition this year, which will be held from 11th to 14th January 2013. The fair, which has grown and improved steadily over the years despite the crisis, has gained a leadership position in the… Read more

Lucenergia | Luca Gastaldo | Maria Teresa Gonzalez Ramirez | Tomàs Martínez Suñol


Light has always represented divine, spiritual, incorporeal. Constantly in contrast to shadow, aimed at giving volume to matter. Above all expression of the original Energy. A subject which has always fascinated artists, from the Byzantine, to Impressionist passing for Caravaggio. It is perfectly described by the works by Maria Teresa Gonzalez Ramirez (a Mexican sculptress who lives and works in Varese), Tomàs… Read more