Four years after his Varese debut at PUNTO SULL’ARTE, in 2017, KYOJI NAGATANI returns to the gallery, with a solo show at the ground floor of the gallery. To celebrate more than forty years since his arrival in Italy (the sculptor first moved to Milan in 1978 for attending the Brera Academy and in 1981 he came back thanks to a scholarship issued by Italian Government), today Sofia Macchi has decided to create a path that begins from his debut, putting a precious piece on exhibit: Testa di ragazza (Girl’s head) from 1982 in which we can see the first classical hint, from Degas to Medardo Rosso, detectable in the visible mark of the artist’s gesture. Another interesting piece is I paesaggi del cuore (The landscapes of the heart), dated 1984, but in which the poetry of the seed (a hallmark of the artist’s work in the years to come) is already strongly present. From Sedia di Zefiro (Zephyrus’s chair) dated 2011 to the classic seeds, from the lightness of Astrolabium (Astrolabe) to the Genesi (Genesis) and Dono di Nettuno (Nettuno’s gift) (where the exquisite play of the equilibria is combined with the need to delve into the material until the short circuit between the lacquered surface and the scabrous heart), from the almost alien forms of Sospiro del cosmo (Sigh of the cosmos) to the soaring verticalism of the very recent Fenice (Phoenix), the show twists and turns like a silent, hypnotic dance  in which the references to oriental tradition blend seamlessly with the memories of the great history of art: Piero della Francesca’s egg to Constantin Brancusi and Arnaldo Pomodoro. The show is designed as an anthology and structured in a museum layout. In fact, the history of the artist, in addition to the works, is also told by a series of panels that specify the stages, through extracts of texts previously written on his work and by posters of his main solo shows.

Published on 21/03/2021

Tag: Kyoji Nagatani