<20 15×15/20×20 | COLLEZIONE PUNTO SULL’ARTE 2014


They have received from our gallery square format canvases -15×15 / 20×20 cm – on which they could freely express themselves without themes and without technical constraints. The Artists had to prove themselves on such a small format, apparently with little complexity, but that in some cases has created several challenges considering that not all of them has the habit of working… Read more

Facciamo il “Punto” sull’Arte


Facciamo il “PUNTO SULL’ARTE” Mostra Collettiva,Pittura, Scultura, Fotografia : Alberto Bortoluzzi, Arcangelo Ciaurro, Jacqueline Dengler, Armando Fettolini, Jernej Forbici, Jill Höjeberg, Johannes Nielsen, Andrea Morucchio, Antonio Pizzolante, Paola Ravasio, Marika Vicari.… Read more

SiO2 Mostra di pittura e scultura


SiO2or silica is fundamental for the chemical interactions used for the creation of colored pigments, commonly employed in contemporary painting. Its interaction with sand and metals is essential to create glass, ceramic, alloy. A key factor for mutation and transformation, through which the four elements – Fire, Earth, Air, Water – mutually combine and change, deeply bound, but still maintaining distinct powers… Read more