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Paràdeigma | Giovanna Lacedra

On Saturday 22nd October at 6 pm at the PUNTO SULL’ARTE Gallery in Varese (Casbeno) will take place PARÀDEIGMA, the performance by GIOVANNA LACEDRA during the DAIMON exhibition (open until 5th November, whit artworks by Claudia Giraudo and Matthias Verginer).
Giovanna Lacedra touches with her work, as a painter and performer, the most difficult issues of the women’s daily life. The new PARÀDEIGMA performance features two aviaries – the symbol of the cages in which our most authentic vocations are sealed – open up before the eyes of the spectator, and where he is invited to search among the emblematic phrases of his own destiny, the key to his own creation, while the artist, priestess and fairy, moving lightly on the notes of the violin helps us to rekindle within us that flame that should never be extinguished.

Published on 15/10/2016

Tag: Giovanna Lacedra