Torino 1971

The artistic project of Barbara Nejrotti finds its expressive dimension after years of training from a professional and emotional point of view. Combining different skills, from woodworking to sewing, from painting to cutting, she develops two very personal techniques with which she creates three-dimensional canvases trying to represent, with synthesis and harmony, a value, an idea, an emotion. Her actual artistic commitment is especially addressed to the human being and its inner journeys seeking a correlation between souls and to a reassuring and conscious philosophy of life.

Barbara Nejrotti was born in Turin in 1971. Her public debut was with the A.muse Gallery. In 2016, under the curator of Ermanno Tedeschi, she participated in numerous Collective, Personal and Museum Exhibitions. In 2017 she exhibited at the European Parliament in Brussels, at the Museum of Scripture in Turin, at the Museal Polo of the XXth Century and at Ferrero's Gallery of Ivrea, with a following Collective exhibition at the Clen Gallery in New York. Her latest solo show was held in Venice at El Magazen dell'Arte. As new projects for 2018, apart from various exhibitions in Italy, she will also participate to the Artist House of the Chagall Museum of Israel.